an Azanian word to describe the mystic qualities of the space upon the tops of mountains.

Event Horizon II

Event Horizon II
Coming June 1st..
Happy to share with you my second iteration in a series of experimental optical compositions: “Event Horizon II”
Based on my study into Fundamental Physics, this piece weaves a connection between modern African astronomy, ancient Indigenous cosmologies and their notions of instrument making.
By using defunct optics from an astronomy lab, a sensory installation in waves of sound and optical light is created in this experimental meditation on the fundamental forces of our universe.
This iteration manifests as an installation in @defunctcontext ‘s “Pavilion Prototype 2 U406” and is curated by Sihle Sogaula @sogaula. It will be located at 37 Orange street in the centre of Cape Town.
The opening is on June 1st at 6pm and will be accompanied by the sonic improvisations of composer and guitarist Reza Khota @reza.khota
This work is generating as a result of my residency with @defunctcontext @artsatcern @prohelvetia at @cern@saao_astro and @saraoweb
more info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsbiCQnqwUu/